
GrowMark – Grocery Market Tailwind HTML Template


GrowMark is a HTML Template Handlebars component based grocery shop e-commerce template. It uses utility first Tailwind CSS for styling. With Gulp.js you’ll be able to complete your work in a breeze. GrowMark comes with dark and light layout in one template. Template detects the users browser color scheme preferences and enables dark or light layout according to. Users also have ability to change color scheme while using the app with just a click.
Growmark contains 36 ready to use pages/screens and over 100+ reusable components. All pages and components are beatufily organized.

Template has built with utility-first Tailwind CSS.

With Handlebars templating engine it is easy to break down HTML into reusable components and create scaleable templates.

Todays web development requires a lot of work. With Gulp task runner you can make your work easy. Save more time and release more work then profit.

Working with HTML templates can get frustrating because of same code is present on every page. With some simple logic, use includes, variables and more on HTML

This template can work completely offline/without internet connection on your visitors second visit. When you open teem, background workers will start to store every page on cache.

Detailed documentation covers all the complex topics about the theme. We tried to explain everything from the start. It is available online and you can check it before buying.

Templates custom sidebar design is clean and user friendly. Perfect for small screen devices.

Blog listing, blog detail includes simple, carousel, video and twitter posts with generic sidebar. It also comes with a comment form template.

As a full-time Themeforest author support and updates are waiting for you. When there is an update to any code, theme will get updates or to you by support.

With this HTML template you will be able to open your grocery shop in a breeze.

Welcome & Auth Pages

  • Onboard 1
  • Onboard Alternate 2
  • Onboard Alternate 3
  • Login
  • Register
  • Login with Phone
  • Login with E-Mail Password
  • Enter Phone Code
  • Select Your Location

Shopping Pages

  • Home
  • Home 2
  • Home 3
  • Explore & Categories
  • Explore & Categories 2
  • Explore & Categories 3
  • Category
  • Product Detail
  • Cart
  • Order Complete
  • Order Failed
  • Order Review
  • Favorites

Account & Profile Pages

  • Account
  • Order List
  • My Details & Profile Update
  • Update Password
  • Address List
  • Address Details & Update & Create
  • Payment Methods
  • Promo Coupons
  • Notification
  • FAQ
  • Help

Other Pages

  • About Us
  • Store List
  • Store Details
  • Blog List
  • Blog Details
  • Contact

Theme UI Components

  • Product Cards
  • Cart Product Items
  • Category Cards
  • Comments / Reviews
  • Favorite Product Items
  • Chips
  • Rectangle Blog Item
  • Order Tracking
  • Loading Screens

Other UI Components

  • Accordion
  • Action Sheet
  • Alerts
  • Avatar
  • Badges
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Buttons
  • Cards
  • Charts
  • Chips / Tags
  • Calendar / Datepicker
  • Dropdowns
  • Forms
  • Footers
  • Icons
  • List Groups
  • Modals
  • Navbar
  • Pagination
  • Progress
  • Ratings
  • Sidebars
  • Spinners
  • Tables
  • Tabs
  • Timeline
  • Toast
  • Tooltips
  • Typography

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